Written on 29/1/2009
After entering his motel suite, he called the noble mistress, giving her the room number. Thirty minutes later, he heard the sound of a car pull up into the motel’s parking lot. Looking out from behind the curtain, he could see the same lady pictured in the ad. After getting out of her car, she walked over to William’s room. William opened the door and let her in. Measuring him off, Dorian yelled, “ Get down to your knees in my presence, you scum!” Startled at first by her directness, he nevertheless complied with her demand, for this was what the whole session was about anyway. After the male got to his knees, Dorian ordered, “Take off all your clothes now!” William obeyed; she was indeed the boss, radiating control from her entire being. Glancing down at naked William kneeling before her ladyship, she removed a collar and chain, placing the collar about William’s neck. Conquered and defeated, he was now Dorian’s slave, obeying her every command.
After entering his motel suite, he called the noble mistress, giving her the room number. Thirty minutes later, he heard the sound of a car pull up into the motel’s parking lot. Looking out from behind the curtain, he could see the same lady pictured in the ad. After getting out of her car, she walked over to William’s room. William opened the door and let her in. Measuring him off, Dorian yelled, “ Get down to your knees in my presence, you scum!” Startled at first by her directness, he nevertheless complied with her demand, for this was what the whole session was about anyway. After the male got to his knees, Dorian ordered, “Take off all your clothes now!” William obeyed; she was indeed the boss, radiating control from her entire being. Glancing down at naked William kneeling before her ladyship, she removed a collar and chain, placing the collar about William’s neck. Conquered and defeated, he was now Dorian’s slave, obeying her every command.
Pulling a whip from her satchel, she began striking William, causing pain to flow within him. With the pain becoming intense, he nonetheless didn’t complain, for it was her right to do as she pleased. Overjoyed at the sight of his scourged back, she next ordered him to begin licking and kissing her boots. Kissing away, a feeling of servitude overcame him, keeping the man in his place beneath the domination of womanhood.
As he worshipped her footwear, she threw negative statements at him, “You’re nothing but trash; you’re the scum of the earth, fit only to be on your knees before my very perfection!” With a few occasional strikes of the whip, she continued with the verbal abuse, making William feel quite small.
A while later, she said, “Stop kissing my boots and come to this side; start kissing my superior ass!”
William gave the humble reply, “ Yes Mistress.” Kissing her rear, he heard from above, “That’s perfect; as a male, you’re in your proper place; all men must kiss the asses of women; it’s the male’s function!” William kissed her curvaceous and gorgeous ass for over a half hour. Uplifted by all the respect he was giving her, the woman was truly delighted, loving power like nothing else. While bathing in her glory, Dorian ask, “Do you feel small?” Seeing him nod his head, she went on, “How’d you like to feel even lower before my greatness?”
Looking up into her beautiful, yet stern, face, William answered, “Yes Mistress, I’d like that very much.” As he spoke, he had no idea what was in store.
Nodding in fear, William said, “Yes Mistress, I’ll do whatever you say.”
After holding him to her face for a while, she placed him upon the ground and then removed her leather corset. As she removed the leather attire, William looked up to her beautiful Pussy, seeing her giant dark pubic bush! Excited by the sight of her cunt, he began dripping precum. Looking down at him, she exclaimed, “Don’t you think I’m great!”
Staring upward, the man responded, “You’re the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen!”
Placing her hands upon her hips, and slightly spreading her legs apart, she stood in the titan position, saying down to the helpless male, “You’re really small, I can do whatever I want with you!” Intoxicated with power, the giant female exclaimed, “All I’ve got to say is piss on you!” As William gazed up at her glorious cunt, her piss began falling, landing directly on top of his head! Humiliated, he just stood there and took it all. Its warm and salty feeling penetrated every fiber of his being. As she pissed away, the lady laughed down at him, enjoying the entire show of domination. Being whole and complete, Dorian’s glory was now at its height. Done with pissing, she said, “There, see what a nothing you are, just standing there in my piss puddles, ha, what a worm!”
Bending over with one hand still on her hip, the dominatrix reached for William and took him up. Standing straight again, she walked with him in hand toward a house having a large backyard. Seeing an empty pool behind the home, she simply lowered William into it. Squatting down next to the pool, she said, “ I’m not finished with you, asshole, there’s more to come.” Rotating herself, Dorian placed her ass over the pool. While turning her head back, she said, “I’ve got to take a shit!”
This was too much even for William, the sexual masochist, causing him to yell upward, “Please Mistress, please don’t.”
“Too bad little penis head, I make the rules around here.”, she said down to him mockingly.
With a huge smile on her face, she let the load go, burying the man in shit! There was no way he could avoid being hit, for the pool was ten feet deep, making it impossible to crawl out. Shitting allot, she finally covered William completely, got up, turned around, and said down to the pathetic creature, “ Ha, ha, little man, she all the things I can do to you!” As the lady stared down into the pool full of female shit, she saw the side of the pile begin moving. Working his way out from under the pile, he finally emerged, smeared full of shit from head to toe! He never before experienced such humiliation. She, on the other hand, Kept laughing at the sight of him, saying, “You’re really full of shit, aren’t you; just look at you, you truly stink!” Defeated and hurt, William could do nothing save sit down next to the shit pile and cry. Being reduced to nothing but a pathetic piece of waste, the man had to look up not only to the Mistress but to a pile of her shit as well.
This story is like watching "Little Britain" you start laughing strongly then are not sure weather you fell distaste but continue to laugh. Was excited reading this story, then felt some distaste, but still was excited !!