He was
withdrawn when he arrived home from his long day at work. I watched his sluggish movements around the
Then it
occurred to me he needed some healing treatment.
"slave, do
you need a spanking?"
He looked
at me, and shrugged his shoulders.
"slave, do
you need a spanking?"
immediate flush of his face told me he needed to be spanked.
I sat down
on the leather chesterfield couch, and patted my lap.
He moved
towards me slowly, almost shyly, and sat down on my knee.
slave, what have I said to you in our many conversations?” I said gruffly, almost impatiently.
Your eyes
downcast, you spoke quietly and said, “that if I need a spanking to ask you, Mistress”.
“yes, slave
that is correct”
I knew what
he needed… he did not withdraw often but when he did it was time for some
treatment, some catharsis. He needed me
to hurt him more sadistically than I normally would. He need to feel pain administered by his
Mistress. He very much needed to feel
pain to be cleansed, to be free from the darkness within him.

“slave, go get my favourite strap now, place it in your
mouth and crawl back to me, I demanded”.
He returned within minutes crawling towards me. I felt his anguish, his need, and his excitement.
“come here,
slave, and lay on my lap”. He stood up
and positioned his strong naked body over my lap. I stroked his head, and whispered, “you will
feel so much better after your cleansing, my slave”. He murmured something.
I contemplate
on the week, it has been difficult for him, stress at work, family problems, car needs repair, house
going on the market... my mood softens, my heart opens to him "he needs
this" I promptly remind myself softly rubbing his arse, I know the feeling
myself... he needs the release.
I bring the
strap down on his arse severely. He
gasps and jerks in my lap from the severity.
I feel him
relax, he is used to my strap and hand. I regularly slap his arse, even in public. Again, "WHACK" that time was harder...
he squirms but remains in place. I know his body language, and he wants more.
Whack, Whack,
on each cheek, and he jerks again, groans gutturally, but stays positioned
waiting for more. I realize I cannot
give him the cleaning he needs, and that I now want to give him so I direct him
to stand up and lean over the couch. I
decided to chain him to the 4 anchor points around the couch. “go get the chains, slave”. He almost skipped in anticipation of what he
knew was going to be a harsh cleansing, bordering on cruelty by his Mistress but
he knew he needed this.
returned. His restraint cuffs were placed around
his wrists and ankles, and then the chains were attached to them, then the anchor points while he was bent over
the couch, spread-eagled.
I whispered “slave,
are you ready?” “yes, Mistress”.
"Whack, Whack,
Whack" across both cheeks with the leather strap. He struggled but could not break free even if
he tried. He was chained securely. “do you love me, slave?” “yes, Mistress”.
The whacks
hurt, when I bring the strap down, he winces, eyes shut tight, a high pitched
yelp muffled by his compressed lips. He sways his hips, silently asking for
another. I hesitate for a moment and give him what he asks for, "WHACK"...
His head tips
back, feet moving a bit, that one hurt, but I can tell from his breathing that
it hurts deliciously. I gave him a minute to recover, and caress softly, stroking
in contrast to the strap, his breathing... shallow like he is approaching
orgasm... I slide a finger along his cock and feel the wetness leaking on the
couch and down his shaft and balls. I caress his length and he sighs.
I move my hand
away, and bring down the strap. He
grunted in pain. Whack", a guttural moan
escapes his lips, and then he says "again" under his breath,
"Whack" he howls in ecstasy. I
swing the strap, it whistles in the air, he flinches, just before it meets his
flesh. He yelps. It was a pleasure to
hear his pain.
He has had too
much, I know that if we continue he will want more and more... the endorphins
have blocked all pain. His body would bleed before she asked me to stop.
I pushed my
hand between his legs and stroked his cock again. The wetness was excessive. The pain and pleasure was accepted yet he
wanted more. He begs “no, don’t stop the
strap, Mistress”. I press down on his
body and he struggles, his body and mind wanting more. I know it is time for him to stop, he needs
to come down, he needs to rest but out of generosity I give him five more
straps, extremely hard, and he cries.
His arse is bruised and battered.
He collapses fully onto the couch.
I remove his restraints, and I help him to the floor. I wipe the sweat away covering his body. His breathing his shallow, his cock his hard. I kiss his lips, and hold him. He is exhausted and needs to sleep but before
I lead him to bed, I sit down onto his cock and let him feel the comfort of me engulfing him,
his Mistress. He orgasms, I kiss him
again, lead him to bed, wrap him in my arms, rocking slightly. He continues to cry, and my heart breaks but
I know he will feel much better in the morning.
His cleansing has been achieved, I smile inwardly “he is such a good boy”.
He whispers to me just before he drifts off
to slumberland “thank you for understanding what I need, Mistress”.
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